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Behringer   Pro-800

v1.0 2023-12-03

Sunny Synths Behringer Pro-800 editor and librarian

The panel is an editor and librarian for the Behringer Pro-800 and covers all parameters at program level. It doesn't handle the Global settings for the moment (waiting for documentation from Behringer).


Besides the editor, you will also benefit from a complete librarian. It will allow you to manage an image of the content of your Pro-800  but also two “disk” banks that are banks only on your PC. From there you are able to perform different program operations between the banks (copy, swap, initialize and move) but also perform a morphing between the current program and a destination program with parameters locking.


The panel is reading and writing sysex files. It can read the earlier "old" sysex format and accepts empty presets in the librarian. Both empty presets and old format sysex are transformed in the new fixed format.


Finally, a last section allows you to list the parameters of programs, to compare them, to compare saved and current values…



  • Behringer Pro-800 interface with same look as actual synthesizer

  • Top row of support “screens” with old look displaying the current program name and category, current parameter name, actual and saved values

  • Rotary buttons with colored ring

  • Switches with same look as synth

  • Bi-directional behavior: modifying a parameter on the panel modifies it on the synth; modifying a parameter on the synth modifies the panel

  • Envelopes graphs handled by mouse or classical ADSR rotary encoders

  • Linear and exponential curves

  • Handling of the different Unison modes and of the Unison Chord intervals

  • XY pad for simultaneous control of 2 parameters

  • Load / Save programs from banks or from individual .syx files

  • Load old format individual .syx files

  • Access to any bank of 400 programs directly on the main panel

  • Uses the A00 as program buffer as for the moment there is no command to Receive/Send from/to the Pro-800 edit buffer

  • Direct mode to change programs on the synth

  • Easy program renaming

  • Ability to morph between the current program and any other program with parameter locking

  • Display and export of program parameters (current values, saved values, both, comparison, differences)  as text file

  • Programs have a name, category, author, save date and description

  • Complete librarian providing handling of 2 disk banks and one “Pro-800” bank (400 programs by bank). The “Pro-800” bank can be received/sent from/to the actual synthesizer.

  • Reads banks containing old sysex format presets and with missing (empty) presets

  • Load any number of programs (or just A-D banks)  as full 400 programs bank

  • Save the A-D banks separately or the complete 400 programs bank

  • Operations in banks for programs: rename, init, copy, multi-copy (as-is/collated), move, swap programs

  • Different switches to modify the behavior of the panel according to your way of working

  • Panel zoom with memory

  • Standalone versions for PC and Mac

  • VST versions for PC (64 bits)

  • VST and AU versions for Mac)


Price: 20 EUR

For more info on getting this panel, please contact


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